My Projects

Plant Care Web Application

Helps users keep track of watering/fertilizing their plants by calculating upcoming dates with given information. Offers an easy-to-use UI for adding/editing plants, interacts with a MongoDB database, and requires users to sign-in/register an account. Click to learn more.

Video Game Mobile App

A 4-in-1 iOS/Android app containing Tic Tac Toe, Mastermind, Video Poker, and a turn-based Battle Simulator. Features unique AI logic per game, different game modes based on number of players, original artwork and animations. Click to learn more.

Gamehub Web Application

Created to help me stay up to date and obtain information from various video games I play. Features live requests from video game company APIs and resources to help users study and improve in said games. Click to learn more.

To-Do List Web Application

A full-stack, to-do list app that stores and edits information from a MongoDB database. Features unique list creation by appending the list name as a URL parameter. Click to access application.

IDE Console and Turtle Games

Various projects coded in Python, such as recreations of the game Danganronpa and the battle system from Undertale.

Compiled from projects I created during my time at Juni Learning to introduce students to the world of programming.

Click to access project folder (requires a account to access).