Video Game Mobile App


A 4-in-1 iOS/Android app containing Tic Tac Toe, Mastermind, Video Poker, a turn-based Battle Simulator, and AI players - all built from scratch.


Requires the Expo Development App

Tech Stack: React Native, Expo

Features: AI Logic, Screen Navigation, Game Development

Customizable Gameplay and Strategic AI

Each game contains various settings to suit the user's gameplay, and can be played with others or against computers (AI).

The AI in each game was programmed to make clever and informed decisions, using already known information and potential future outcomes of the game to determine their next move.

Tic Tac Toe

Settings: 1-2 human players, difficulty of AI, whether user is X's or O's

The classic 2-player, three-in-a-row game.

The Easy AI simply chooses a random, open spot. The Hard AI prioritizes winning moves, then stopping any player winning moves.


Settings: 1-2 human players, whether user is Codemaker or Hacker, if duplicate colors are allowed

A game where the Hacker must guess the 4-colored code the Codemaker has set, using hints from every guess to incrementally get to the answer.

Features mini pop-up menus and modals in each game row to place code and hint pegs.

An AI Hacker starts with a random guess, then uses the Codemaker's hints to make a more educated guess, making sure it doesn't repeat itself or make any decisions that conflict previous Codemaker hints.

An AI Codemaker simply chooses a random code and gives accurate hints for each Player's guess.

Video Poker

Settings: Cost per credit (default $0.25), starting money (default $10.00)

Features all the interactive UI and information displayed on typical Video Poker casino machines.

The card deck is created and analyzed using an integer array from 0 to 51. Suits are determined through (n mod 4), and Ranks through (n mod 13), where n is 0 to 51.

The app recognizes all poker hands by calling only 3 functions: checking rank sequences, checking suits, and checking duplicate ranks.

Battle Simulator

Settings: Whether each of the 4 players are Human or AI, the character of each player

This is a 2v2 turn-based battle game (similar to Pokemon and Paper Mario) revolved around using attacks that cost mana/energy, and an ultimate move that can only be used below 40% HP. Features character sprites/animations and move animations drawn by me!

Damage is calculated differently in this game. The typical 'attack stat minus defense stat' determines the maximum damage, and the actual value used is a random number between 1 and that maximum.

I am still adding new characters to the game, while balancing current characters as I get feedback from testers and observe AIs playing against each other.

Battle Simulator

Moves deal damage, heal, apply a status effect (either positive or negative), or a mixture of the three. Moves are programmed individually under one main function and have unique animations.

Status effects last varying number of turns and include altering stats, damage over time, or being unable to attack.

For AI players, each character is programmed differently due to their different playstyles and moves. The AIs are programmed to make decisions based on information such as ally HP levels and enemy status conditions.